The Academy of Public-Private Partnerships performs the functions of organizing and conducting training events in the field of public-private partnerships and budget investments for external counterparties.

The multi-level training programs of the PPP Academy are designed for the continuous development of the professional competencies of specialists involved in the development of PPP, with the possibility of mastering the topic from scratch or in the context of missing competencies. Qualified teachers, leading experts in the implementation of PPP projects, will help build an individual approach in the learning process and mastering professional skills.

In addition, most lecturers of the PPP Academy are internationally certified CP3P PPP specialists.

Each training program at the PPP Academy is developed based on the application of PPP mechanisms in a particular industry, the study of applicable laws and the provision of necessary practical assistance to a specific audience. To improve the skills of students in PPP by conducting classes in various formats (interactive discussions, lectures, master classes, etc.), using modern technologies, effective teaching methods are created that contribute to the effective use of acquired knowledge in any area of the economy.

JSC “Kazakhstan Center for Public-Private Partnership”