“Overview of public-private partnership: Kazakhstan”

Astana hosted a conference on the development of public-private partnership projects, organized by the Kazakhstan Center for Public-Private Partnership and the Asian Development Bank. Within the framework of the event, the “Overview of public-private partnership” was presented: Kazakhstan”, prepared by the Asian Development Bank, which assesses Kazakhstan’s progress in creating more favorable conditions for the development of PPP, increasing infrastructure financing and improving the quality of services.

The purpose of the conference was to create a platform for exchanging opinions and discussing solutions in the context of economic transformation and presenting the results and conclusions of the Asian Development Bank report. It should be noted that the conference has become a platform for establishing business contacts and creating potential partnerships between investors and private companies.
The event was attended by Vice-Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abzal ABDIKARIMOV, Head of the PPP thematic Group of the Asian Development Bank Adrian TORRES, Director of the Permanent Mission of the Asian Development Bank in Kazakhstan, Nariman MANNAPBEKOV, Chairman of the Board of the Kazakhstan Public-Private Partnership Center Samat SAGYNDYKOV, Chief PPP Specialist of the Asian Development Bank Helen STEWARD, as well as experts in PPP regions, representatives of central and local executive bodies, representatives of business structures.

During the welcoming speech, Vice Minister of National Economy Abzal Abdikarimov said that the Ministry, together with the PPP Kazcenter and ADB, is working to improve the legislative environment – improving regulatory legal acts, unifying legislation by combining the laws “On PPP” and “On Concessions”. In addition, within the framework of ADB’s technical assistance, the training of PPP specialists in the international practice of implementing the PPP mechanism for ministries, akimats and other government agencies has been completed.
Chairman of the Management Board Samat Sagyndykov also gave an overview of the activities and plans of the PPP Kazcenter, who noted that in order to optimize PPP processes, support investors and international financial organizations, there is a need to create a “single window” on the part of the state in order to support republican and large local projects.
During the panel discussion on the views of the private sector on the limitations and opportunities for PPP in Kazakhstan, moderated by the Managing Director of the Kaz PPP Center Aidos Kobetov, important issues related to the development and strengthening of partnerships between public organizations and private business were discussed. The participants were representatives of companies such as “Alsim Alarko”, “Plenary”, also from local companies Development Bank of Kazakhstan and “Batys Transit”, who exchanged views aimed at stimulating economic growth and attracting investment to the country.
In addition to the presentation of the PPP overview in Kazakhstan and the panel discussion, the conference included presentations by representatives of foreign PPP specialists with an overview study in the social environment, digitalization and in the field of climate change mitigation. Presentations by leading experts in the field of public-private partnership and presentations of successful projects highlighted the role of effective cooperation and innovation in achieving sustainable economic development.

For reference:
About the “Public-Private Partnership Review: Kazakhstan”: This detailed review, combining data from leading financial and legal experts, includes more than 500 qualitative and quantitative indicators characterizing conditions and opportunities for PPP in Kazakhstan, covers eight infrastructure sectors and includes projects at the level of local government bodies. Since the COVID-19 pandemic has brought social infrastructure to the forefront of policy and planning, this edition also pays great attention to healthcare, education and affordable housing. The full version of the report is available at the link

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